My husband started a blog... that's awesome. He is so full of wisdom, truth, longing for God, and obedience to His voice. You should check it out here!
All that being said, once again it has come to my realization that I have dropped the ball in the blogging world. :) So here's some things that have been on my mind lately...
1. I NEED relationships... I am living on a very different schedule than any I've lived before. My husband works evenings at a restaurant, and during the day at our church. My kids are amazing, don't get me wrong, but this Mama needs some adult conversation BADLY :) I have learned that if I want relationships, I must go after them. Friendships do not build themselves, and desiring community with others doesn't just happen. This has become very clear to me, especially in the last couple of years (not living in the same city as ANY of my friends), that I have to make a purposeful, concentrated effort to spend time with others. The friendships in my life are on purpose, they are people that I know make me better, challenge my thinking, encourage my walk with God, and love me too. It can be a very lonely world being a Pastor's wife. It can feel isolating. It can feel as if everyone's eyes are on you, but no one really wants to know you. What a chance to SHINE! To show others you value them, to invite people into your life. To show your flaws, but rejoice in your weakness (because in it, HE is made known). To make others a part of what God is doing in your life and what He's teaching you. As a Mama who knows- we NEED each other!!
2. I am called... I am married to a man that is incredibly strong. Like I said up top, he is an amazing man of God! I look at him daily and know that he will obey God no matter what the cost. He has an incredible calling on his life, and when he preaches... wow- you KNOW he hears from God! (So attractive!!) And I often find myself comparing myself to him... my calling, my devotional life, my giftings, my shortcomings... and truth is, comparison sucks! God has called me to lead along side my husband, to do whatever it takes to make him better, serve him, love him, push him to pursue his dreams, build him up when he feels weak, and always encourage him to be better. Our giftings look totally different, our relationships with God look totally different, but we are in this TOGETHER! No competition, no comparison... My desire to be better comes from a desire to know God more, and be the best me He has called me to be so that my family can be the best US He's called us to be.
3. I'm grateful... I can look back at the last 10 years of my life, and see many people God has strategically placed in my life to prepare me for what He's calling me to next. My bff Andrea has taught me to serve whole-heartedly, to love when you don't feel like it, to forgive deep hurts, to know who God made yOU and never try to be someone else. Aniela has taught me to be faithful no matter what the circumstances. To endure hard times with grace and character. Netta has taught me to laugh at myself, to love graciously, and to express gratitude to others (shows them you value them). Maggie has taught me how to find MY calling (apart from my husband), to truly show worth to my husband, to love the "unloveable" and to expect greatness from my children. Briana has taught me how to give value to others, to FIND the good and express that every chance you get. She's one of the most passionate people I know, and has taught me to GO AFTER your passions NOW! Emily has taught me how to speak my mind and not care what others may think. And to be generous with my time, home, and life... the list goes on and on... these are priceless friendships and priceless lessons that I will not forget, and I am very grateful for.
As we get ready to move into this next phase of our lives (church planting), I really believe that God is using all 3 of the things listed above to prepare me, make me stronger, and to help me depend on Him more. How exciting!!! God's call is nothing short of breathtaking, and i cannot wait for what's to come...