Monday, February 7, 2011

My Pride is NOT CUTE!

I'm very prideful.

Psalm 101:5  I will not endure conceit and pride.

Ick... God hates pride.  I'm embarrassed to say it, because while it is a very good thing to place importance in parenting, housekeeping, obedience to God, walking in faith...etc I have discovered, that often times I find worth in being complemented about these things.  Especially if the comment is coming from a parent, or other authority figure that I respect...

"Your kids are so well behaved"
"How do you keep your house clean with 3 little ones?"
"Your trust in God is such an encouragement to me"
"You want to adopt? That's awesome!"

These are not super impressive things by ANY means... and I should be proud (to an extent) of my children's behavior, the state of my home, and how far I have come in my faith-walk.  However, none of these things give me worth.  None of these things make me who God has created me to be!  God's love is STRONG! Regardless of what I DO or don't do, He loves me! So what if something I do produces good results?

John 4:34  The thing that keeps me going is that I do the will of the One who sent me, finishing the work he started

Where are the comments about my walk with God?  My love for His Word?  My prayer life that challenges others?  When is the last time I lead someone to Christ?  These are the things that make me a daughter of God, and THAT is who I am!!

So... there it is...

Working hard to do more than "good" things for me... but do "GREAT" things for Him!

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